Russia Urges UK to Avoid Excessive Force Amid Southport Protests

The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed concern over the ongoing mass protests in Great Britain following the tragic July 29 attack on a dance studio in Southport, which resulted in the deaths of three minors and left several others severely wounded and hospitalized.

In a statement from Russia’s Mission in the UK, the Foreign Ministry emphasized Russia’s longstanding policy of non-interference in the domestic affairs of other nations. The ministry highlighted that, unlike Western countries led by the United States, Russia refrains from advising other nations on how to manage their internal issues and crises.

The statement criticized the UK for its frequent accusations against Russia, including claims of suppressing dissent and censorship, and calls for adherence to democratic governance and respect for human rights. The Foreign Ministry urged UK authorities and police to operate within the bounds of the law, noting that people have the right to express their disagreement with government policies.

“In this context, Russia calls on London to refrain from any unjustified or disproportionate use of violence against protestors and to ensure their right to freedom of assembly,” the statement concluded.

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