Mike Oquaye Calls Africa’s Mismanagement of Natural Resources ‘Tragic

Former Speaker of Parliament, Prof. Aaron Mike Oquaye, has voiced serious concern over Africa’s management of its natural resources, calling the situation “tragic,” particularly regarding the continent’s underutilization of solar energy.

Speaking at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Christian Service University in Kumasi on Friday, Prof. Oquaye emphasized Africa’s failure to harness its abundant resources for sustainable development, with solar power being a prime example of missed opportunity.

“Africa’s approach to the natural resources God has blessed us with is very tragic,” Prof. Oquaye said. He referenced a BBC report highlighting that solar energy production in the Netherlands surpasses that of the entire African continent, despite Africa being “the home of the sun.” He added, “God will not be happy with this.”

Prof. Oquaye urged African leaders to take bold steps in tapping into the continent’s vast solar energy potential and investing in renewable energy solutions to promote long-term growth and sustainability.

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