China and Russia Emphasize ‘Tectonic Shifts’ in Global Politics

The presidents of China and Russia urged allies to resist external influence, emphasizing that global centers of power are shifting and a multipolar world is emerging.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping attended a summit in Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana, with leaders from the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) – a regional alliance seen by Moscow and Beijing as a counterbalance to US dominance on the world stage. Xi called on member countries to “resist external interference,” while Putin noted the rise of “new centers” of political and economic power.

“We should join hands to resist external interference, firmly support each other, address each other’s concerns, and take control of the future and destiny of our countries and regional peace and development into our own hands,” Xi told the summit.

“It is vital for the world that the SCO stands on the right side of history, advocating for fairness and justice.”

A joint declaration from the group, published by the Kremlin, highlighted “tectonic shifts in global politics” and advocated for the bloc to play a stronger role in global and regional security.

“The use of force is increasing, international law norms are being systematically violated, geopolitical confrontation and conflicts are growing, and risks to global and SCO regional stability are multiplying,” the declaration stated.

The communique also called for an “early, complete, and sustainable ceasefire” in Gaza and a “comprehensive and just settlement of the Palestinian question.” It did not mention Russia’s invasion of Ukraine or China’s dispute with Taiwan, but emphasized “mutual respect for sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of states.”

Both Russia and China frequently criticize what they perceive as US dominance in global affairs and are working to expand their influence, particularly in regions near their borders. “The multipolar world has become a reality,” Putin said, praising the accession of Belarus to the bloc, making it the tenth member.

“The circle of states that stand for a just world order and are ready to defend their legitimate rights and protect traditional values is expanding,” Putin stated. “New centers of power and economic growth are strengthening.”

Western-sanctioned Iran joined the SCO as a full member last year. The summit was also attended by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who is visiting Central Asia.

The SCO, founded in 2001, has gained prominence in recent years. Alongside China, Russia, and Belarus, its full members include India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan. The organization aims to foster cooperation in competition with the West, focusing on security and economics, particularly in Central Asia. The SCO represents 40 percent of the global population and about 30 percent of the world’s gross domestic product.

Despite its ambitions, the group faces internal disagreements, including territorial disputes.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has heightened major powers’ interest in Central Asia, where Moscow seeks to maintain its traditional influence while China has developed strong ties through its Belt and Road infrastructure project.

The West is also vying for influence in this strategically important region, rich in oil and gas and serving as a crucial transport route between Asia and Europe.

In the final declaration, the bloc criticized the “unilateral and unrestricted build-up” of missile defense systems by unnamed countries and regional alliances – a common complaint directed at the United States by both Moscow and Beijing.

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