Renal Patients Urge Affordable Dialysis Amid NDC’s Promise of Regional Treatment Centers

The Renal Patients Association of Ghana has called on political parties to prioritize reducing the cost of dialysis treatment across the country.

This plea follows the National Democratic Congress (NDC)’s commitment to establish modern dialysis centers in regions that currently lack these facilities.

Kojo Ahenkorah, the association’s spokesperson, expressed support for the NDC’s proposal but stressed the importance of addressing the high expenses related to dialysis treatment.

“Dialysis is a significant challenge for patients. Many have to travel long distances, often to Korle Bu, for treatment. This is a major burden. I had two patients, and we just lost one in May. She had been commuting from Begoro in the Eastern Region to Korle Bu twice a week for dialysis for 10 years before she passed away.

“If the NDC plans to set up dialysis centers in all 16 regions, it would greatly benefit patients by making access to dialysis much easier.

“However, they should also consider the cost. I’m not sure if pricing was addressed, as I only heard about the plan to build 16 dialysis centers across the regions.”

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