Rwandan President Paul Kagame Seeks Fourth Term in Upcoming Election

In Rwanda, incumbent President Paul Kagame, who has been in power for 24 years, is seeking a fourth term in the presidential elections on July 15. After launching a major national tour three weeks ago, visiting more than 30 cities and villages, he gathered tens of thousands of supporters on Friday in the hills of Kigali, the capital. Re-elected with 99% of the vote in 2017, Kagame faces just two other candidates, with only one considered a serious opponent, who garnered 1% in the last election.

Cape Town is grappling with the aftermath of an unprecedented level-8 storm (out of 12 on the Beaufort scale) that brought heavy rains and strong winds, causing extensive damage to homes and displacing thousands of residents.

Attieké, Ivory Coast’s celebrated traditional dish made from cassava, has received a new award from the African Intellectual Property Organization. Although the dish is prepared and eaten in other West African countries, this new recognition means only those dishes produced in Ivory Coast can bear the name “attieké.” With an annual consumption reaching 100kg per capita and more than 31,000 tonnes exported annually, attieké has become a symbol of the country’s food culture.

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